Meet the team.
Click on the images below to learn more about the team members behind TIF.
The Indigenous Foundation’s team consists of 30+ Indigenous/POC women, 2S, and non-binary folk, as well as 4 subteams. Our sub-teams are each focused on exploring different mediums to raise awareness about Indigenous rights, and include our podcast team, columnist team, projects team, and graphic design/social media team, respectively led by Isabella Thurston, Madison Crist, Shreya Shah, and Jenneh Lesaldo.
Isabella Thurston: Podcast Lead
Jenneh Lesaldo: Social Media Lead
Madi Crist: Columnist Lead
Shreya Shah: Projects Lead
Kylie Rice
Neegahnii Madeline Chakasim
Chloe Burcell
Lazaya Villeneuve
Kelsey Roote
Kasey McDonald
Jocelyn Velásquez Báez
Isla Ruiz
Melissa Mejia
Nudrat Karim
Kyla Gamell
Kaya Hill
Bàrbara Andrade
Ty Diaz
Jennifer Wu
Hafiza Samath
Lakeisha Marie
Alexandra Mandewo
Katie Lynch
Aiyana Jakoski
Liza Tuyuc
Roaa Abdalla
Leslee Firethunder
Jennifer Sheu
Kayla (She/her)
Marissa Aguilera
Marisa Chastain
*Not pictured: Ayushi Shukla, Celia Johnson, Gurpartap Thap.
*Last updated on April 10th, 2022